
Manuel Gullón de Oñate

Count of Tepa, Gentleman to His Holiness the Pope


He is an Attorney at law from the University of Deusto, and in Business Administration at ICADE and in Political and Social Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid.

On November 1986 he was appointed Gentleman to His Holiness the Pope, after having been “Camarero Secreto de Capa y Espada de Su Santidad”.

Member with the Great Cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, Knight of the Sacred Constantine Military Order of Saint George, from February 2014 to February 2016 he was President of the Real Asociación de Hidalgos de España, member of the Real Cuerpo de la Nobleza de Madrid, Honor Member of the Balearic Historical Institute.

President of the Royal Sacramental Arch brotherhood of San Isidro.

Commander of the Carlos IIII Order.

His professional activity has centered on banking. He also serves several companies as board member. For several years he was, also Board Member to COPE. He is also dedicated to the private financial sector as board member to several companies.

He carries out an important activity in the real estate sector.


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