
Iñigo Moreno de Arteaga

Marqués de Laserna, Correspondiente de la R.A. de la Historia


Doctor in History with extraordinary recognition. Academic honor of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of la Purísima Concepción de Valladolid. Corresponding Scholar of the Royal Academy of History.

On 8-IV- 2010, S.M. the King granted him the mercy of Title of the Kingdom under the name of Marqués de Laserna. Knight and Dignity of Thirteen of the Order of Cavalry of Santiago.

Culminum Magíster, Carlos III, Jaime de Foxá and Prix literarire du CIC Awards. General Consul of Pakistan in Andalusia and Extremadura. Professionally, he has been in the maritime business, having been General Secretary, on Board of Pérez y Cía, S.A. and member of the boards of directors of its port companies, shipping companies and shipyards, highlighting the implementation of the Terminal Containers of Barcelona.

Oganizer of the First World Hunting Congress (Madrid 1984) and the successive exhibitions of Venatoria (Madrid 1996/2012).

2- Literary works


  • Royal Privileges and Old Documents of Jerez de la Frontera, (Madrid, 1971)
  • Trotsky in Spain, (Barcelona, 1972)
  • About the fawn or the lubicán of Galicia by Fray Martín Sarmiento, (Madrid 1999)
  • Hunting rhymes (Madrid, 2001)
  • José de la Serna, last Spanish viceroy, (Madrid 2010)
  • Impossible Peace, (Lion, 2012)
  • Military expeditions to Peru during the War of Emancipation (Madrid, 2016)
  • An awkward neighbor. Border tensions between Spain and the United States (Madrid, 1917)


  • Sunday to Sunday, (Seville, 1987)
  • Diary of a Pilgrim, (Madrid 1992)
  • The Hunter in Time, (Madrid, 1997)
  • Joys, sorrows and cinematic entuntments, (Madrid 2007)
  • Dignity of hunting, (Madrid 2010)
  • The time that’s gone. (Madrid, 2015)
  • Hunting altarpiece. (Madrid, 2016)

In addition, he has written extensive chapters in numerous works and hundreds of articles published in magazines and daily newspapers.


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