Carmen Sanz Ayan
Academic of the Royal Academy of History
She is a full member of the Royal Academy of History and Professor of Modern History at the Complutense University of Madrid. Specialist in sociocultural history of the modern period, she has directed a dozen national research projects in competitive calls focused on the study of the financial and nobiliary networks that operated in Europe and America during the Modern Age and on the analysis of the socio-economic aspects of the Baroque party and theater.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Casa de Velázquez (Ministére del’Enseignement et de la Recherche) between 2007 and 2010, she has been Director of the Master in History of the Hispanic Monarchy at the Complutense University in the period 2009-2012 and is Director of the collection HISTORIA of the Editorial Complutense (2020). She founded and directs the research groups NOBINCIS (2005) and HERMESP (2010) based at the UCM.
She has received several awards and distinctions among them, the “Premio Ortega y Gasset de Ensayo y Humanidades” (1993), the “Premio Nacional de Historia” 2014 for the book Los banqueros y la crisis de la Monarquía Hispánica de 1640 (Madrid, 2013) or the “Premio Mujer Referente AMMDE” (2021). Member of the Board of Trustees of the General Archive of Simancas since 2010. Deputy Secretary of the Royal Academy of History (2010- 2014) and Treasurer since (2015). Member of the Scientific Council of the World Observatory of Hispanism since September 2019. Holder of the L.G. Valdeavellano Chair of History of Spain (2019-2022), Holder of the “Felipe II” Chair (2020).
Organizer of some thirty seminars and congresses, she has published more than a hundred articles and book chapters in collective works and in specialized national and international journals in addition to books including:
- Los Banqueros de Carlos II (Salamanca 1988).
- Sevilla y el Comercio de Indias (Madrid, 1993).
- The War of the Spanish Succession (Madrid, 1997).
- Teatro Monárquico” by Pedro Portocarrero (Madrid, 1998).
- Theater and Comedians in the Madrid of Philip II (Madrid, 2002).
- State, Monarchy and Finances. Estudios de Historia Financiera en tiempos de los Austrias (Madrid, 2004)
- Banking, Credit and Capital. La Monarquía Hispánica y los Antiguos Países Bajos (1505-1700) (Madrid 2006).
- Pedagogy of Kings. The palace theater in the reign of Charles II (Madrid 2006).
- Hacer Escena. Capítulos de Historia de la empresa teatral en el Siglo de Oro (Madrid 2013).
- A banker of the Golden Age. Octavio Centurión (Madrid 2015)
- The Value of History (Madrid 2018)
- Identitá nobiliare tra monarchia ispanica e Italia: lignaggi, potere e istituzioni (secoli XVI-XVIII) ed (Rome, 2019).
- The Spanish nobility and its spaces of power ed. (Madrid, 2021).