Feliciano Barrios Pintado
Doctor at Law by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Professor of Legal and institutional History of the University of Castilla La Mancha.
He has been Dean, at present honorary, to the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences at the University of Castilla La Mancha in Toledo, and Director and Honorary Scholar of the Major “Diego de Covarrubias” of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Académico de Título of the of the Real Academia Matritense de Heraldica y Genealogía (Royal Academy of Heraldry and Genealogy of Madrid) and Correspondent of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation and of the Royal and Sevillian Academy of Fine writing.
He is, likewise Correspondent academician to the National Academy of History of Argentina and to the Chilean History Academy.
Sponsor of the Instituto de Estudios Históricos y Hospitalarios de la Órden de Malta Icomal, former Sub Director of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies) and Secretary of the Instituto Nacional del Derecho Indiano, former Vice Delegate of the national exhibition “El mundo que vivió Cervantes”, commemorating the fourth Centennial since the publication of Don Quijote.
Also for the Honorary Counsel of the History of Spanish Law Yearbook.
Comendador of the Real y Distinguida Órden Española de Carlos III, Comendador de la Órden Civil de Alfonso X El Sabio, first Class Distinguished Cross of the Order of San Raymundo de Peñafort, Comendador of the Royal Order of the Polar Star (Sweden) and the Venera de la Orden Mejicana del Águila Azteca.
Chronicler of the City of Madrid. In 2013, he was elected Academic Secretary of the aforementioned Institution.