
Hugo O´Donnell y Duque de Estrada

Duke of Tetuán, Censor of the Royal Academy of History


Marine infantry commander (Ret), lawyer by the Ilustre Colegio of Madrid. Member of the sponsorship of the Naval Museum.

Vice president of the Spanish Military History Commission and its representative before the International Military History Commission.

Permanent Member of the Royal Heraldry and Genealogy Academy of Madrid.

Elect member of the Royal Historical Society of the United Kingdom.

Correspondent of the Royal Academies: Sevillana de Buenas Letras; de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Artes de Córdoba, de Nobles y Bellas Artes de San Luis de Zaragoza and of the Academia de Historia Naval de Chile; National History Price in 2000.

Santa Cruz de Marcenado granted every five years to the best historical career related to the Armed Forces. (2005). Finalist of the National History Price (2005). Sabino Fernández Campo Price (2014).


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